Taylorville Junior High School Daily Announcements
November 30, 2022
Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating birthdays: Hallie Melvin.
The November Character Trait of the Month is Grit. Grit is defined as the ability to persist after a setback.
Picture Retake day will be December 5th. If you need an order form, please get one in the office.
The THS Dance Team is hosting a dance clinic on January 7th. If you would like more information please pick up a form in the office.
Fannie Mae money is due on December 2nd. Please bring your money to the office.
Today is a 1:00 dismissal day. Students will report to classes in the following order: 1,2,3,7,8,4,5 and 6.
Lunch Menu
Chicken BLT sub
Breakfast Pizza
Caesar Salad