Friday, February 15, 2019

1. Please turn your yearbook order forms in to the following teachers:
5th grade: classroom teacher
6th grade: 1st hour
7th grade: 4th hour
8th grade: 1st hour
Yearbook forms are due today.
2. Voting for the 2019 Rebecca Caudill Reading Award book of your choice will be done the week of February 18.  If you are close to reaching your reading goal of three of the books, please try to finish so you are eligible to vote. Students’goals of reading 10 of the books have until April to reach 10. (reading 10 books makes you eligible for an ice cream party). Please see Mrs. Lowry or Mrs. Southworth if you are not sure how many books you have read.
3. Media Center Book Orders are due today. Please turn in your order to either Mrs. Southworth or Ms. Lowry.
4. Today is  an early dismissal day. School will dismiss at 1:00 for a School Improvement Day.
5. The Chess Club will meet in Rm 107 until 4:00 on Tuesday, February 19th.
6. The Art Club will meet in Rm 122 until 4:00 on Tuesday, February 19th.
7. Washington DC Trip 2019 - There will be a very important meeting for ALL STUDENTS and PARENTS on Tuesday, February 19th in the TJHS cafeteria at 7:00 PM. At this meeting the Personal Behavior Contract, Roommate Selection Form, and the Emergency Medical Release Form will need to be filled out and turned in to me. Any parent not receiving informational emails should contact Mrs. Rice as soon as possible.
8. All Speech Participants- bus leaves Saturday at 7:30am. Please be in the front circle drive at 7:25am. The bus will take us to Moweaqua but you must have a ride home!!! Good luck tomorrow!!!
9. No 7th grade volleyball practice today. There will be practice Monday 10-12 at TJHS.
10. Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams on their wins over Stephen Decatur last night.

February 15 School Improvement Day 1:00 dismissal
YMCA Teen Center
February 16 5th grade volleyball at Stonington at 1:00
5th grade boys basketball vs. Chatham at 9:00
February 17 5th grade boys basketball at Vandalia
6th grade boys basketball at Mt. Zion
February 18 No School -Presidents Day
February 19 Chess Club meeting in Rm 107 until 4
Art Club meeting in RM 122 until 4
Scholastic Bowl with Little Flower and Jacksonville at 4:00
6th, 7th and 8th grade volleyball vs. Mt Pulaski at 5:00

Breakfast Pizza

Corn Dog
Beef and Pepperoni Pizza
Baja Chicken Salad