Friday, September 2, 2022

 Taylorville Junior High School Daily Announcements

September 2, 2022

School Information:

Any student interested in Jiu Jitsu classes can pick up a flier in the office.

Any student interested in the Healthy Kids Running Series can pick up a flier in the office.

Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating birthdays today, Kaleb Carter, Kody Carter, Emma Eller, Camara Harvey, Hailey Johnson and Weihong Lin Chen.

Any student who signed up for Art Club needs to see Mr. Wolters for a permission slip.  Please stop by the Art Room.

Attention Students: Please remember to charge your chromebooks each night and bring them to school with you each day.  Students are only allowed to borrow chromebooks twice each quarter. After those times, detentions are given each time a student needs to borrow a chromebook.

Tryouts for 7th grade girls basketball will be held Tuesday, September 6th and Wednesday, September 7th from 6:15-7:45 at the North Gym.

If you are interested in participating in Speech Contest there will be an informational meeting in the Media Center for 7th and 8th grade students on Tuesday, September 6th during Advisory and for 5th and 6th grade students on Wednesday September 7th.

There has been an overwhelming interest in Student Council this year! Miss Morgan and Mrs. Rice are currently looking through applications and checking eligibility. We are working as quickly as we can, and StuCo representatives will be notified next week through advisory classes. We thank you all for your interest.

Next week is Spirit Week for the THS Homecoming! We will have the following dress up days:


Tuesday - PJ Day (School Appropriate)

Wednesday - Neon Day

Thursday - Tie Dye  Day

Friday - Purple & Gold Day


Be sure to participate and show your school spirit!! Go Tornadoes!

Lunch Menu

Beef Fajitas

Meat Lovers Pizza


Chicken Hummus Wrap